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[情報] KI:77是個好少年仔,像一隻大泰迪熊 https://x.com/noahweber00/status/1792032986499543044 Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving on what they mean to each other: 小犢雙槍被問到搭檔對彼此的意義: Doncic: “Nothing but supportive of everything I did…Just helped me mature a lot, realize to see the game in a different way, and obviously on the court it ’s amazing to play with a guy like him…The leader he’s been for us, not just for me but for us, he’s been amazing…” Doncic: 我做的一切他都給我最大的支持,幫助我成熟了許多, 讓我意識到還可以用不同的方式看待比賽,能在場上和這樣的球員打球顯然是很棒的。 他對我們產生的領導作用,不僅對我,而是對全隊,他都表現得非常出眾。 Irving: “I just think this guy next to me has pushed me to continue to work on my game and continue to develop as a young leader and I think the big word we can both agree on is maturity. Coming into Dallas, I was dealing with a lot …They embraced me with open arms…I knew eventually that I would get (Luka) to open up, this guy’s a big teddy bear at times off the court, big competitor. A teddy bear who likes to compete. He’s still ducking me in dominoes…I just have to sit back and marvel at his talent…I enjoy watching him be a father, I enjoy watching him develop as a person first, and then the basketball stuff will take care of it…Good human being, good young man.” Irving: 我只是覺得這個在在我旁邊的傢伙,驅動我繼續努力增進我的比賽內容, 同時繼續茁壯成為一位年輕領袖,我認為我們都同意的一個重要關鍵字就是成熟。 來到達拉斯,我當時面臨很多狀況, 而他們張開雙臂接納了我,我知道最終我會讓 Luka 打開心房。 這傢伙在場外有時候就像一隻大一號的泰迪熊, 一隻喜歡競爭拚戰的大泰迪熊,不過他仍然不敢跟我比玩多米諾骨牌。 我往往只是這樣坐下來,欣賞他所擁有的天賦, 我喜歡看著他成為一個父親,喜歡看他個人不斷的成長, 籃球場上的事情,就會自然而然的越來越順……他是一個好傢伙,一個好少年仔。 另外KI說在休息室時他努力不要那麼情緒化,因為激動到幾乎落淚。 從2017年之後首次重返分區決賽,這是一條漫長的路。 在球員生涯初期階段他曾和騎士隊連三年挺進分區決賽, KI先前說他年輕時,以為這是理所當然的事情,但其實並非如此。所以現在特別感恩。 --