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https://x.com/mcten/status/1790616271333023756 Anthony Edwards joking with the Nuggets locker room attendant before exiting the building after Game 5. Ant: “You jinxed us (after Game 2)” Attendant: “I liked our chances. What do you expect me to say, Ant?” Ant: “See you Game 7” ----- AE:都是你帶賽 員工:你希望我說甚麼? AE:我們G7見 ----- AE這場雖然因為Conley不在的關係,受制於金塊的包夾策略影響,表現掙扎,但不得不說 這種還能樂觀向前的心態確實讓人感到欣賞。期待他們G6在主場的表現 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1715761496.A.4CC.html
Wardyal : 差低 05/15 16:26
e8e88 : 員工: 05/15 16:26
cidcheng : 這很AE 05/15 16:26
f77928 : 可惜沒有G7 05/15 16:26
XDKab1g0n : 有料 他還沒失去鬥志! 05/15 16:27
jackytien : AE 的發言一直很難讓人討厭 05/15 16:27
conqueror507: 主要還是看Conley吧 05/15 16:27
ji394vul3nn : 可惜 05/15 16:28
shing529 : 推個蟻人 05/15 16:28
bearKQG : 要先守住主場 才有G7 05/15 16:28
LukaDoncic77: 這輪兩隊都讓人尊敬 05/15 16:28
xjapan329 : 約G7 05/15 16:28
mobyshin : Beautiful 05/15 16:29
Chiya0911 : 約g7 05/15 16:30
roger2623900: AE的心態真的好頂 05/15 16:31
ccc101419 : 他真的不錯 05/15 16:31
ryoma9527 : 輸球一肩扛又有風度,跟輸球怪裁判不跟對手致意的 05/15 16:32
AAAdolph : 好可愛 05/15 16:32
ryoma9527 : 咖比高下立判 05/15 16:32
Kyrieisme : 感覺不管誰贏蟻人都會抱抱 05/15 16:32
haha98 : 跟年輕的LBJ一樣有風度 05/15 16:33
taiwanesgoi : young king 05/15 16:33
snakebite : 下一場關門戰 05/15 16:33
Aether13 : 反觀另一邊 都是They的錯 開除教練 找戰犯 怪裁判 05/15 16:34
r124195181 : 蠻好笑的 05/15 16:35
benboy : 下一場準備破包夾? XD 05/15 16:35
Y1999 : 這才叫君子之爭 05/15 16:36
cool34 : 坦白講姆斯咖哩風度都輸他吧 逆境才能看出一個球員 05/15 16:36
spreesell6 : 他會不會成為新一代嘴砲王 05/15 16:36
cool34 : 的抗壓能力 05/15 16:36
realmiddle : 積極 樂觀 心態良好 05/15 16:36
ff704 : AE:還好不是我守小丑 05/15 16:36
cor1os : 員工:滾 05/15 16:37
DeaGoo : AE真不錯 05/15 16:37
mashiroro : 員工:我要偷偷把他們休息室的空調調最低溫!(怒 05/15 16:37
s214742 : 老康下場要能回來才可能有G7 05/15 16:38
ryoma9527 : 年輕姆斯的風度 一神帶四坑! 05/15 16:38
eelse : 約G7: 叫我嗎? 05/15 16:39
kawhidurantt: 年輕的LBJ當年不是輸給魔術輸到惱羞嗎? 05/15 16:41
gerg : 得體 05/15 16:44
rahim03 : AE改變也不少啦 去年打輸有摔椅子 05/15 16:45
rahim03 : 還砸傷人 05/15 16:45
liefuchen : https://i.imgur.com/qaiY0ZB.jpeg 05/15 16:45
rahim03 : 今年成熟很多 05/15 16:46
Schwarber12 : AE真的滿討喜的,海放其它年輕球星 05/15 16:46
Byzantin : 看不懂 05/15 16:46
LukaDoncic77: 上面那圖看幾次笑幾次lol 05/15 16:47
hughjetman : AE現在拿的劇本很像MJ生涯初期 05/15 16:47
KillLakers : 想說客場都贏 所以互破到最後灰狼晉級?? XDDDDDDDDD 05/15 16:47
AizenSousuke: AE敢噴敢秀輸了也有風度,反觀輸球直接離場的腿詹 05/15 16:49
GordonJordan: 也懂約G7? 05/15 16:50
qwerbear13 : 圈粉魔人 XD 05/15 16:50
PhilipsOreo : 反觀某前MVP 05/15 16:51
shellback : 反觀輸球顧著罵重播中心和想退休的 05/15 16:52
parkerlived : AE: 金 塊 缺 人 嗎 ? 我 不 錯 。 05/15 16:52
BayonettaTJ : 會打球又有高情商,反觀 05/15 16:53
windown : 43樓 XDDD 05/15 16:54
windown : 太粗暴了 05/15 16:54
ThreeNG : MJ生涯初期沒有這麼多支援啦,到第一次奪冠都還是 05/15 16:54
ThreeNG : 單核(Pippen那時還沒成長為明星等級) 05/15 16:54
airmax369 : 反觀某山羊與某龜 05/15 16:55
ThreeNG : 不過MJ在奪冠前就已經拿MVP了,這點倒是值得好好效 05/15 16:55
ThreeNG : 仿 05/15 16:55
joe51408 : 保持心態 保持競爭力 繼續加油阿Ant 05/15 16:56
Windows11 : 反觀髒筆 05/15 16:56
hichung : 約G7 05/15 16:57
xo1100 : 在丹佛伸出魔爪是不是又準備要出事啦 05/15 16:57
YDSK : 反觀某個自稱goat的,千錯萬錯都是別人的錯 05/15 16:57
bo497751553 : 砸傷人好像是被碰瓷? 05/15 16:58
sixis : 反觀某黃衣老害 05/15 16:59
hunt5566 : 要是字母就是別干擾員工上班了 05/15 17:01
shargo : 反觀山羌 05/15 17:02
paulxxxtw : 真 君子之爭 05/15 17:02
ZaneTrout : 超可愛 05/15 17:03
alex0973 : 又狂又天兵 但又能保持競賽風度 很讚 05/15 17:03
NanaoNaru : 反觀考慮退休的偽君子 05/15 17:03
toeic900 : MJ初期有這些等級的隊友可以拿8個總冠軍吧? 05/15 17:03
qwer007700 : 華子真的蠻逗趣的 05/15 17:04
mepass : 才22歲 未來還很長 05/15 17:05
yamatai : You jinxed us 為什麼是回 I liked our chances 05/15 17:06
yamatai : 這要怎麼翻譯阿? 05/15 17:06
asdfzx : 員工:沒有G7 05/15 17:06
a1ibooda : 圈粉無數 05/15 17:07
yamatai : 員工: G7看到你等於我加班 hell no 05/15 17:07
asdfzx : G6康利沒回來 灰狼就要掰了 05/15 17:08
loserloser : AE有一年絕殺失敗也是直接跑回更衣室吧== 05/15 17:09
yamatai : 經歷過大創傷 以後才知道怎麼調適吧 05/15 17:10
magamanzero : 康利應該會上 不上很可能終身無冠了 05/15 17:12
windown : 我也不知道,可能有前後文,但隨對記者只擷取精華 05/15 17:13
windown : 對話 05/15 17:13
hahadb : 越來越喜歡AE了 05/15 17:13
JameerNe1son: 真性情 05/15 17:13
HOLYDANTE : 年輕跟隊友學人咳嗽叫風度很好哦 05/15 17:18
ppbro : 垃圾話不失禮貌 05/15 17:18
Zacoe : 真‧君子之爭 05/15 17:20
paradoxQ : 反觀被打爆就踢椅子丟牙套 05/15 17:20
ilanese : 覺得灰狼要掰了。 05/15 17:24
NiaosongLBJ : 帥帥帥 05/15 17:26
cloud777717 : 回主場加油啦 希望有G7看 05/15 17:28
asdfzx : 反觀踢椅子丟牙套的不沾鍋有點噁心 05/15 17:28
YuJu1120 : 反觀山羌 05/15 17:28
sexygnome : 是不是在約 05/15 17:29
reason825 : 今年被小丑打到有認輸的感覺QQ 05/15 17:31
ilsr : 高機率G7,不然人氣隊都GG沒收視 05/15 17:32
Qaaaa : 還好ㄅ 看系列前兩戰也覺得金塊被打到認輸了 05/15 17:33
elnacongo : AE真的不錯,期待 05/15 17:33
babyalley : 期待一下 到底會不會有G7呢 05/15 17:38
gh316 : G7的咖啡蠻好喝的,很香 05/15 17:41
MIKE44 : 笑死 05/15 17:44
rich780501 : 心態很正向呀!G7見囉! 05/15 17:52
MikeyWill : 反觀偽山羊 05/15 17:53
kaka2001 : 還嘴硬 明年見了好嗎 05/15 17:56
jellyno1 : 鬥志 05/15 17:56
shawncarter : 反觀 05/15 17:57
RicFlair : 反觀攤手 蹦跳 吼裁判 噴重播中心 進通道 開除教練 05/15 17:57
rkune : 反觀不成熟的老頭 贏球左擁右抱 輸球球員通道 05/15 17:57
windid : 反觀 05/15 18:01
lmf770410 : 約基奇、約G7喔 05/15 18:03
iamaq18c : XDDDD 05/15 18:03
nomosa : 心態不錯呀 05/15 18:04
Lansbury : 反觀某隊喊君子之爭 後來卻追殺 05/15 18:05
VichanGer : 反觀另一邊怪kt Kerr 就是不怪-21 05/15 18:05
hyakkiyagyo : 反觀兒子隨時有暴斃風險的 05/15 18:08
md3q6e : 愛AE 05/15 18:11
gox1117 : 反觀贏球我最行輸球跑第一 05/15 18:14
PSY5566 : AE也知道當對手丟熱敷袋比裁判收錢都沒事系列早已 05/15 18:15
PSY5566 : 結束 05/15 18:15
ilovemakoto : 愛AE 05/15 18:15
anoymouse : 約G7 05/15 18:18
justaID : AE的發言真的很難讓人討厭 05/15 18:20
OnePiecePR : 讚 05/15 18:24
uverock : like one’s chance 查了韋氏辭典是覺得某方勝算或 05/15 18:26
uverock : 機會較大,考慮說的下句話應該是這意思沒錯 05/15 18:26
windid : 山羌如果有AE的風度就不會有這麼多黑粉 05/15 18:27
wayne0215 : 反觀某MVP刻意用身體碰撞客隊認真工作的保全 05/15 18:27
kalarotia : 有料 05/15 18:29
a22122212 : 未來是你的 阿但是同區還有兩隻怪物 05/15 18:31
zkl : 才22歲。未來 05/15 18:34
windown : 原來如此,謝謝132樓的補充 05/15 18:35
aDesperado : 這態度真得有機會朝向偉大 05/15 18:39
etim51893 : 反觀姆咖這兩個 05/15 18:55
sj210444 : 反觀福祿壽除了KD那兩支 05/15 19:03
kevin1018 : 還以為是跟工作人員借錢 05/15 19:08
s310213 : 他真的厲害,講話自信但是不讓人討厭 05/15 19:09
ad93 : 新一代垃圾嘴王 05/15 19:11
Ydarvish : 最好說到做到QQ 05/15 19:11
stephen0522 : 反觀咳嗽仔 05/15 19:20
nickalex8689: 反觀另一邊 假裝練投故意撞工作人員 05/15 19:43
Mafty : 這發言不錯 05/15 20:05
SaintSeven : 43f x,DDD,DDD,DDD,DDD 05/15 20:07
oncee : 不會有G7 05/15 20:15
moon1029 : 43樓 笑死 05/15 20:39
c7683fh6 : 年輕人不錯 05/15 20:43
ger1871 : 讚讚讚 05/15 20:43
xo45527788 : 說好了喔? 05/15 21:35
Dwyaness : 反觀 05/15 21:43
EXUAN : AE很棒!咖喱準備讓位 05/15 22:34
momowawa1981: 反觀 05/15 22:47
puppycanfly : 反觀某個愛哭MVP故意撞保全 05/15 23:25
ko373328 : 水準比 東髒筆西軟羌 高太多了 05/15 23:42
GBF8U572 : 嗯嗯 多年前的KD也是得體乖寶寶 05/16 05:11
GBF8U572 : 再輸個幾年看看還笑不笑的出來 05/16 05:12
Stonghenge : 提到風度還提姆斯 每次季後賽輸掉整個團隊都大換人 05/16 08:46
Stonghenge : 風度在哪 完全沒一起拚的精神 05/16 08:46
feathery : 上一場輸了還在拍拍手跟Murray碎嘴而已今天直接吹 05/16 08:55
feathery : 成有風度心態好 還反觀咧 笑死 05/16 08:55
attdave : 這孩子真的得體,完全被圈粉 05/16 09:02
louis1213 : G6還沒打 直接約G7 05/16 09:19
britpop1526 : 說到做到 05/17 10:54
DareJ : mdfk被消音 05/17 23:13

🏀 美國職籃 NBA 版:熱門文章

[情報] 各家媒體預測總冠軍 消息來源: https://www.nba.com/news/2024-nba-finals-predictions https://www.si.com/nba/celtics/grant-williams-reveals-nba-finals-prediction https://www.covers.com/nba/finals-prediction https://sports.yahoo.com/celtics-mavericks-2024-nba-finals-030430407.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNCq7w0fnXg https://www.roycewebb.com/p/nba-finals-predictions https://reurl.cc/OMQQrA 內容: 預測冠軍 場次 備註 Greg Anthony, NBA TV 小犢 Steve Aschburner, NBA.com 超賽 6 Charles Barkley, NBA on TNT 超賽 預測冠軍 場次 備註 Sam Mitchell, NBA TV 超賽 Shaquille O’Neal, NBA on TNT 小犢 Shaun Powell, NBA.com 超賽 John Schuhmann, NBA.com 超賽 Kenny Smith, NBA on TNT 超賽 Tom Haberstroh, The Finder 小犢 7 Michael C. Wright, NBA.com 小犢 5 Grant Williams, Charlotte Hornets 超賽 6 5月5號的猜測 Andrew Caley, Analyst 小犢 Douglas Farmer, Writer 小犢 Jason Logan, Analyst 超賽 Jon Metler, Analyst 超賽 Ryan Murphy, Analyst 超賽 Rohit Ponnaiya, Analyst 超賽 Jared Dubin, Last Night, In Basketball 超賽 6 Kike García, NBA com 小犢 6 Nick Goss, Yahoo Sports 超賽 6 Justin Martinez, The Oklahoman 超賽 7 預測冠軍 場次 備註 Bill Beiter, CBS Sports 小犢 5 Avery Johnson, Analyst 小犢 6 Stephen Noh, The Sporting News 超賽 6 Jacob Sutton, JSuttHoops 超賽 6 Neil Paine, Neil’s Substack 超賽 5 Katie Heindl, BASKETBALL FEELINGS 小犢 6 Ricardo Brito Reis, Borracha Laranja 小犢 6 Keith Smith, The Basketball Bulletin 超賽 5 Daniel Bratulic, Bballytics 小犢 7 Quinn Everts, The Broken Press 超賽 6 Michael Hendricks, All Fields 超賽 7 短評或心得: 距離總冠軍開打還有一段時間 應該還會有更多人表態 目前賭盤看好賽隊 一個禮拜,好久啊.... -- 我們的世界很大很大 他們的世界只有我們 --
[新聞] CPX-美國男籃可練全場了 全隊僅差2人就到 CPX-美國男籃可練全場了 全隊僅差2人就到齊 NOWnews 記者陳品翔/綜合報導 2024年5月31日 週五 下午2:55 [NOWnews今日新聞] 巴黎奧運美國男籃隊可以開始練全場攻防了!NBA美國職籃西區冠軍 戰G5,明尼蘇達灰狼回到主場迎戰達拉斯獨行俠,未料灰狼不但沒有延長戰線,反而在主 場以124:103慘敗,無緣闖進總冠軍賽,獨行俠則是睽違13年再度前進最高舞台。而灰狼 當家球星「蟻人」Anthony Edwards,在今日球隊輸球後,也正式成為巴黎奧運美國男籃 被淘汰的第10人,如今「夢之隊」僅剩下綠衫軍的一哥Jayson Tatum、防守悍將Jrue Holiday2人還在奮戰。 灰狼Edwards遭淘汰 成夢之隊第10位放暑假成員 這屆巴黎奧運的美國男籃成員,大部分所屬球隊皆在季後賽首輪就遭淘汰出局,勇士一哥 Stephen Curry在球隊附加賽輸球後,成為「夢之隊」最早放暑假的成員。隨後季後賽首 輪結束,則是湖人球星LeBron James、Anthony Davis;太陽隊Kevin Durant、Devin Booker;熱火中鋒Bam Adebayo;76人Joel Embiid;快艇Kawhi Leonard等人也宣告賽季 結束。 至於季後賽首輪打完後,還沒被淘汰的4名選手,分別為塞爾提克一哥Jayson Tatum、防 守悍將Jrue Holiday,以及溜馬的新生代控球好手Tyrese Haliburton,還有灰狼當家球 星Anthony Edwards。而溜馬在東區冠軍賽被塞爾提克橫掃之後,Haliburton成為第9位夢 之隊放暑假的成員,如今灰狼在西區冠軍戰上也以1:4不敵獨行俠,Edwards今年的旅程 也正式告一段落。 Edwards今年率灰狼打出驚奇 年僅22歲未來大有可為 此役Edwards出賽43分鐘,全場18投10中,三分6中4,得到28分9板6助攻1抄截1阻攻。賽 後他接受記者採訪時直言:「我們明年還會回來。」展現年輕人不服輸的氣勢,相信他和 球隊都有光輝未來。 事實上,Edwards今年已經率領灰狼打出驚奇,起初雖然不被外界看好,但不但先在季後 賽首輪橫掃太陽,次輪也扳倒衛冕軍金塊,也讓外界見識到了他們的實力。灰狼隊最終還 是未能闖進總冠軍賽,但相信今年對於Edwards來說,也算是收穫滿滿的一年,畢竟他也 才22歲,相當年輕,未來的發展大有可為。 https://reurl.cc/8vY6gM --
Re: [討論] 主場優勢不若以往? : 沒有做統計 : 但在小弟有限的看球經驗裡 : 記得在過去 : 是不是主場是非常重要的指標 : 尤其勝率高的球隊且在主場 : 勝率就算不是八九不離十 : 也是穩穩過五成沒問題 : 但是近幾年季後賽好像主場球隊輸的更多了? : 就拿今年西區季後賽 : 金塊vs灰狼 : 灰狼vs獨行俠 你拿這兩個特例做什麼呢? https://sportshandle.com/court-advantage-nba-playoffs/ 這裡有從2013-2023年的季後賽勝負資料排除2020年的泡泡園區,主場球隊的勝率在 前三輪大約都在60%左右,而到總冠軍戰則下降到54.39%,將近5成,因此大概可以 推斷出,東西區冠軍交手實力差異不大,因此主場優勢影響就沒有很大,但是分區 系列賽就可以看得出來。 整體而言,主場優勢在NBA季後賽中扮演了重要角色,尤其是在早期的輪次中更加明顯。 而各個球隊在主場的表現也不盡相同。例如,金州勇士隊在季後賽中的主場勝率接近80% ,而底特律活塞隊和奧蘭多魔術隊自2013年以來在主場的季後賽中尚未獲勝。 簡單來說你不能拿少量的樣本去看這是一個特例,曾經的勇士隊強到靠北,主客場 都強得不得了。 金塊、灰狼、小獨這三隊是一個非常神奇的特例,這三隊之間呈現奇怪的相剋狀態, 灰狼是針對金塊設計的陣容,有三塔加上能單點突破的AE,所以一下就被破兩場主場 。 但小獨有雙發動機加上腳步跟得上AE的禁區球員,讓灰狼根本藏不起來Conley,而AE 的進攻能力也被大幅度限制。 雖然金塊跟小獨沒有交手,不過由於小獨是派不出雙塔去限制小丑的,而Lively的 Gafford的身材大概也很難扛得住Joker,推測可能不會像灰狼這麼好打,不過一切 都僅止於推測,這五場比賽基本上灰狼沒有任何一場能解決系列賽的問題。 我傾向這只是一個陣容剛好相剋的特例,而且今年西區競爭非常激烈,其實前五名 都沒有絕對碾壓的優勢,互剋的比例相對變多,所以才導致這種結果 --
[情報] 東歐組合賽後訪問全文 https://youtu.be/1NP948HD9L4 Q: You had, like, you know, 12 points in four minutes. What's going through your head early in the game? 你在開場四分鐘就得了12分,你當時的想法是? A: Set the tone. Just got to set the tone. That's about it. 就是想要把比賽定調,就是這樣。 Q: Your dad almost didn't make it here, but he was certainly there by the end. What did it mean to have him, you know, as you go to your first NBA Finals? 你的父親差點趕不上,但最後他成功趕來見證了你第一次打入決賽,對你有什麼意義? A: Yeah, a lot. They had a seven-hour delay, but he made it, so it meant a lot to be here. 當然意義重大,他們遇到7個小時的delay,但他們趕上了。 Q: You know, we've seen you do this before in Phoenix, where you just kind of ripped the hearts out of the crowd on the road in the elimination game. What is that, how would you describe that feeling to demoralize the crowd on the road in this situation? 我們在對上太陽時也見證過你在客場關門戰撕碎主場觀眾的心,你對於這種客場關門戰的 想法是什麼? A: It's a good feeling, man. I can't lie. Just go out there and, you know, it's us against them. Just stay together. But that feeling, that feeling is great. 不能否認,這感覺很好。在客場就是我們團結在一起和他們對抗。這感覺很好。 Q: Was there one fan in particular that you kept going at early on? A: Yeah. Q: What was that about? A: I can't tell you. If I tell you, I could sue him. But, you know, that gets me going. Everybody knows that by now, so just got to do it. 你開場時是有特別針對場邊某個球迷嗎? 是的 是什麼事? 我不能告訴你,我告訴你的話我就會去告他。但你知道的,這會是我的動力,現在他們都 知道了,我必須讓他們知道。 Q: And then, you know, you guys, obviously, last year disappointing, end up in the lottery. To make this leap, what do you think were kind of the key developments to make this happen just in the span of a year? 去年的戰績對你們而言想必非常失望,最後掉到樂透區。 你覺得是什麼讓你們在短短一年內從樂透區打進到總冠軍賽? A: Insane. I think we've got a great team, but most importantly, we've got great guys, great guys on the team. From players to coaches to everybody on the team, we have great guys, and that's the most important thing. Like I said , we stay together and we just play basketball, you know, especially. I think we've beat three very, very, very good teams and are having home advantage, which is pretty good for us. 這太瘋狂了。我認為我們現在有一支很棒的隊伍,更重要的是我們有一群很棒的人,從球 員教練到所有團隊的人,大家都很棒,這事最重要的事。我們就是團結在一起打籃球,而 且我們打敗了三支非常棒,而且有主場優勢的球隊,這對我們來說是一件很棒的事。 Q: For you personally, growing up watching the NBA from afar, maybe watching the NBA Finals late at night, what does it mean to you to reach this milestone? A: I didn't watch because it was 4 in the morning. I had school next day. Q: What does it mean to you personally to reach this milestone 6 years into your career? A: It means a lot, man. It means a lot. It's not easy. It was a very hard road . Very hard, but we are here. Obviously, we're not done. We need four more, but I think today we all deserve to enjoy this win. 對你而言,從小在國外看NBA,或許要大半夜才能看到總決賽,對你而言打進總決賽有什 麼意義? 我沒有看過,因為對我而言那是早上四點,我隔天還要上學。 那在6年球員生涯後達到這樣的里程碑,對你有什麼意義? 意義重大,這不是一件簡單的事情,這是一條非常非常困難的路,但我們現在做到了。 當然我們還沒結束,我們還需要再贏下四場,但我想我們今天值得好好享受這場勝利。 Q: You've had great games and closeouts at home, but on the road, is it sweeter? A: Way sweeter, yeah. Q: Why? A: I mean, just because, you know, because... Just because, I mean, you know the crowd is going to be in there. You know, when you scored a bucket, when we scored, it gets a little bit quieter. So, that's why it's sweeter. But it doesn't matter if we win at home, if we win away. We just want to win. 你們在主場有打出很棒比賽和關門,但在客場這一切感覺是不是更棒了。 棒多了。 為什麼? 你知道的,就是...你知道的,到處都是他們的球迷,當我們得分的時候,他們就會安靜 下來,這就是為什麼這感覺棒透了。但不管是主場或客場,我們就只是想要贏下比賽。 Q: And when you think of Boston, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? 對於賽爾提克你有什麼想法? A: I mean, they're the best team in the NBA. They have by far the best record. They have some incredible weapons on offense and defense. So, we're going to have to play really hard and amazing basketball to beat them. 他們是NBA最強的隊伍,他們有最好的戰績,他們在攻守兩端都有很棒的武器,所以我們 必須非常努力,打出最好的籃球來擊敗他們 Q: Can you talk about how much Jason Kidd means to this team and what he has given you guys this season? 談談Kidd對這支隊伍的意義及他這季帶給你們什麼? A: A lot, in everybody too. You know, he understands me and Kyrie's role, because he's been in that role, so he helps us a lot. But everybody, he kept everybody together. You know, we were up, we were down a lot, especially during the season. It was ups and downs all the time, but he kept us together. A lot. Like I always tell you guys, it's been great to have him. He helped me mature, he helped me see the basketball in a little bit different way, so everybody's glad he's on our team. 非常多,對所有人都是。他了解我跟KI的角色,因為他曾經在這個位子,所以他幫助了我 們非常多。他也把所有人團結在一起,我們在季中有起有落,總是起起伏伏,但他讓團隊 凝聚在一起,他做了非常多,就像我常跟你們說的,他在我們隊上是一件很棒的事,是他 讓我成熟,並透過不同的角度去了解籃球,我們都非常開心有他在隊上。 Q: Luka, your smile says it all. Looking at your path with this team, seeing the MVP trophy in front of you today, guiding this group to the finals, what are those emotions, those feelings? (這題是西班牙文,我只能相信chatGPT) 分享一下你拿下西區冠軍MVP,並且帶隊打進NBA總冠軍賽的心情 A: Those are great emotions. This trophy is for everybody. It's for the whole team. Without this team, without these players, I wouldn't be here. So, thanks to them, I can have this trophy. 感覺很好,這個獎盃是大家的。沒有他們我不會在這裡,感謝他們讓我拿到這個獎。 Q: Luka, two years ago you guys were here as the younger team playing against an experienced Golden State team. Now that role kind of reversed. Do you feel the difference in experience from 2022 to now? 兩年前,你們是以一支比較年輕的球隊之姿面對有經驗的勇士隊。而今天面對比較年輕的 灰狼隊,這角色似乎反轉過來了,你認為跟2022的經驗比起來,現在有什麼不同? A: I wouldn't say reversed. I think we have a young team. I'm sorry Kyrie, you know, Kyrie getting old. But, you know, we just, we're a young team still. Do you feel the difference? No, I think we, there's a lot of people that wasn't in playoffs. We had that talk before playoffs, you know, everybody together. And we just play, we like to play basketball, we like to play together. That's it. 我不會說翻轉了,我們也是支年輕的球隊。抱歉了Kyrie,但Kyrie已經老了。但我們還是 一支年輕的球隊,我們在季後賽前就聚在一起談過,我們就是喜歡打球,喜歡一起打球。 Q: You are telling us you are old now? 你是要說你也老了嗎? A: Oh, I'm old too. Yeah, me and Kyrie, we're the old heads on the group. And Keith. We're the past 30 years. 我老了,我跟KI,我們就是隊上的老人,還有Kieff(Morris),我們都30幾歲了。 Q: Where does that trophy go, the trophy case? Middle, off to the side? A: Home, home. I don't know where. Q: What's in the middle? Is that Euro basket still? A: I don't have that trophy. I wish I had. I have the Euroleague trophy, but I don't know. We'll see. Q: Maybe four more wins, you might have one to go in the middle. A: Hopefully. That one for sure. If we make it. Thank you. 你會把MVP獎盃放在哪裡,正中間嗎?還是邊邊? 總之先帶回家,還不知道放哪。 你櫃子的正中間放的是什麼? 歐洲杯的冠軍嗎? 那個不在我手上,我想要,但不在我手上。我有歐洲聯賽的冠軍盃,但我們再看看吧。 或許再四場勝利之後,你就能拿到一個能放在正中間的了。 希望是這樣,如果我們做到了,那個肯定會放在正中間。 ======================================================================== https://youtu.be/9iMlCRlPN1A Q: Kyrie, you've mentioned many times during this postseason you've been waiting seven years to get back to the stage. How does it feel, and especially coming off the way things went last year after you got to Dallas? KI你提過很多次你已經等了七年要重返這個舞台,尤其在你去年到達拉斯後的風風雨雨, 現在是什麼感覺? A: It feels great. Definitely don't take this moment for granted because of how hard we had to work to get here. We had to earn our spot into the NBA Finals. We had to go against some great opponents, OKC, Clippers, Wolves, and I feel like they got us better as a team. They really challenged us on the defensive end, made us focus in. I thank every single one of them, like I did the previous two series, for making me better. It has been seven long years, but it's also felt like the right amount of time in order to reward myself, be in the locker room with my teammates and enjoying it. A long time coming, so we are going to enjoy this, but we obviously know this is just a pit stop in the journey. We've got to get ready for that court turning gold, as I like to say. The shoes turn gold, the jerseys turn gold. As a kid, that's what you dream of getting to is the Finals and being able to play against the best of the best with the whole world watching. 感覺很棒,我不會說這一切都很輕鬆,因為我們真的很努力才走到這裡。我們打敗了許多 強隊,包含雷霆、快艇、灰狼隊後才拿到總冠軍賽的門票。我覺得他們讓我們變成更好的 隊伍,他們不斷在防守端挑戰我們,讓我們專注在比賽中,就像我在前面說過的,我認為 他們讓我變得更好。 確實已經過了很長的七年時間,但我同時也覺得這段等待的時間,也正好足以作為我這幾 年給自己的獎賞,讓我和隊友一起享受。但我們知道這只是旅途上的中途點,我們必須做 好準備面對決賽,換成我自己的說法就是,準備好迎接金色的地板、金色的球鞋和金色的 球衣。從小我們就夢想著能打進決賽,在全世界的目光中迎戰世界上最強的對手。 Q: Tonight, Luka obviously comes out and he's hitting shots, he's staring at the crowd. It's kind of the full Luka experience to start things off. What's your feeling when you see him in that mode to open the game? 今天開場Luka很明顯跳了出來,得分、挑釁觀眾,開場可以說是一個Luka體驗大禮包。 對於開場就看到他進入那個模式,你有什麼想法? A: Man, I was enjoying it just like everyone else was. We had 20 points, I think, in six minutes or seven minutes. You're just watching a special performance take place. As a teammate, you just want to continue to do little things to bring the lead a little bit further along. Just continue to play well. We were happy where we were, but we weren't satisfied because it was a long game. When Luka starts off the game like that, we're a tough team to beat. Kudos to him having a great series, a great playoff run in general. Just leading us that way and being able to ease the tension a little bit and the emotions starting off the game. When you see our guy, Luka, scoring 20 like that, it eases everybody's pressure a little bit. 我和所有人一樣在享受這一切。我想我們在六七分鐘內就得了20分,我們就看他表演。以 身為隊友而言,你只會想去做那些能讓分差再拉大一點的小事,打好比賽。我們很高興我 們能領先,但我們不會因此滿足,因為比賽時間還很長。但當Luka打出那樣的開場表現, 我們是很難被打敗的。對於他的季後賽的好表現我要給予致敬,帶領我們,並且用那樣的 表現安撫大家開賽的情緒。當你看到你的隊友開場得了20分,這能幫助大家舒緩壓力。 Q: When was going through your mind? It's zero, you guys have the ceremony, you're walking into the locker room with the trophy. What's kind of racing through your mind at that time? 當比賽結束,你們辦了頒獎典禮、帶著獎盃回到休息室時,你腦袋中在想什麼? A: Man, just trying to enjoy the moment with my teammates and just think about the way we felt during shoot-around. All the preparation it took to get to this moment. We couldn't avoid the future if we wanted to. It was coming anyway. I just had that utmost confidence when I was going to sleep last night , waking up in the shoot-around, like I said. Just feeling like we were going to play one of our best games. I didn't know how it was going to happen, but I felt that way. That's the type of confidence that I felt the majority of these playoffs. No matter what's going on, in the beginning of the game, middle of the game, before the game, our words of affirmation and positivity go a long way. Just making sure we settle the group and get ready. 就是和隊友們享受這一刻,並且想著我們今天在投籃練習中的感受,以及所有我們為了達 到這一刻所做的準備。就算我們想,我們也無法避免未來發生。昨晚睡前我就突然感覺到 非常有信心,起床參加練習時,我就覺得我們今天能打出我們最棒的比賽。我不知道內容 會是怎麼樣,但我就是這麼覺得的。這就是我在大部分季後賽中感受到的信心,不管發生 什麼事,賽前賽中賽後,我們的安定性和正面能量都會保持,讓我們能穩定團隊,讓我們 準備好自己。 Q: Someone who got here early in his career, then had an absence, and then got back to it. Where's your appreciation level for him? 以一個生涯早早就打進決賽,然後缺席了這幾年,再度回到總決賽舞台,你的想法是? A: I had three years of losing. Yeah, I had three years of losing in Cleveland , as people like to remind me of, where I did nothing without certain guys on the team. So, you know, I like to relish in those challenges, because even when you are a young player, you do take it for granted to a certain degree. But now that I'm in my 30s and I'm able to kind of stand on my own square more comfortably, more confidently, and know what my presence holds, know what my leadership is capable of doing when I'm around good people, and they're supporting me selflessly. You know, you just look back at all the failures, you know, just on the other side of success. So, just continue to chop wood, carry water, stay poised, make sure that we keep the main thing the main thing , and acknowledge how far we've grown and how long it took to get to this moment. So, I try to quantify the last seven years, but it's really been my whole entire career. You know, this is a long career, and I like to look at that way as a journey. So, grateful to be here with my teammates, though, and our staff, and everybody doing the little things for us to stay prepared, and, you know, just give us that good energy. I felt it all around us tonight. 是的,我有三年的失敗。人們總是喜歡說,在某人離開後,我在克里夫蘭的三年內一事無 成。但我享受那些質疑,因為當你年輕時,你某種程度上會把這個成功視為是自己理所當 然;但當我30歲回來這個舞台時,它讓我能更堅定地、更有信心地告訴自己,我的存在是 有意義的,讓我知道當我在一群好隊友中,我能發揮我的領導力,同時他們也無條件 地支持我。當你成功時,你會回頭看到你所有的失敗,所以繼續保持那些基本的努力,知 道什麼事情是重要的,並認知到我們花了多少的努力並且成長了多少。我試著合理化這七 年的差距,但這就是我的球員生涯。這是一個很長的生涯,而我把它視為我的旅程。我很 高興能和我的隊友、球隊、和所有幫助我們的人來到這裡,他們為我們帶來好的能量,而 這也是我今天不斷感受到的東西。 Q: Kyrie, to that point, as this team came together and kept getting better, your teammates, your coaches, they talked a lot about the impact you have off the court, your leadership style, and your voice. Really, your story feels like it's changing a bit, right now. On the one hand, I know you've always tried to block that out, but what does it mean to have some of that energy starting to get recognized? Kyrie, 隨著這支球隊的成長,你的隊友和教練都不斷提到你在場下的領導風格和影響力。 雖然你常常試著不去提到場下的事,但對於這些事情開始被人們認可,對你來說有什麼意 義? A: What do you mean? 什麼意思? Q: I mean, the way you interact with your teammates, the way you lift the guys up, and coming off a couple years of a lot of negativity, and to have the energy. Just in the public, I mean, Brooklyn, Boston, you're going to see your own team now. I mean, the mood has changed. How does it feel to have it recognized? 我指的是你和隊友們的互動,以及你如何拉拔他們,以及你這幾年的負面消息。不管是布 魯克林、波士頓,你都會見到你的老隊伍。這種被認可的感覺是怎麼樣? A: What do you mean, like, recognized for what? 什麼意思? 被認可是指? Q: The way that you're impacting the team. 對於你如何影響、帶領球隊的方式被現在的團隊認可這件事。 A: I think I'm grateful because it was an easy road, and I was able to grow as a person way beyond, you know, as quick as I was growing as a player. And when you're in a professional environment such as this, and you can only be judged by your own court performances, and what people say off the court, and they don't know who you are, I think that's a little unfair. But that's the life we live in, and that life is not fair all the time. So I just stopped being a kid towards this industry and really grew up and grew my wings. You know, I had another phrase I wanted to say, but, you know, I just developed the mentality to be able to brush off a lot of that stuff and realize that, you know, when they're talking about me or saying things about me as a teammate, it's been a lot of people. You know, I don't want just too many people to name, but that's not where my focus has been. It's always been on making sure my teammates understand who I am and what I want to accomplish with them and being selfless in my approach and also realizing that, you know, everyone's going to have a past. Everyone's going to be judged for that. But I think putting your best foot forward and focus on the future is the best place to be. You know, all the stories and narratives are going to exist forever. I'm sure I'll hear it until I retire. But again, this is what comes with this industry. This is a very young league. It's 75 years, 76 years in the making. People think it's like 100 plus years like other leagues, but there are no rules in this. And being a professional and coming to work every single day, that's what I want to be remembered as. And my off-the-court aspects of making people better and them making me better is something I like to lay my hat on, too, because it matters as a human being. I've been there for these guys. They've been there for me. I've told them some very intimate things, very vulnerable things about who I am and what I've dealt with, and they've been able to really shower me with the support and love that's needed for any human being, not just because I'm Kyrie Irving and the way that they see me in the public eye. They really protect me and I protect them, and I'm grateful for them. That's all I've ever asked for from an organization or my teammates is for them to protect me the same way I protect them, because I go out of my way to speak good things about people, to be in the right place for them. And I understand that human emotions get the best of you, but how you respond is how you're going to be remembered. 我很感激,因為這並不是一條簡單的路。我能夠用如同我成長成球員一樣的速度,使我的 人生成長成一個更好的人。當我們生在這樣的專業環境,你的評價標準會是你在球場上的 表現,以及場外其他人對你的評語,儘管說這些話的人可能根本不了解你。我覺得這有些 不公平,但人生就是這樣,人生本來就不是公平的。所以我決定要讓自己成長,不在對這 個產業抱持著幼稚的想法,換句話說,我讓我自己發展出可以屏除外界這些紛擾的心理素 質,並且了解到,當這些人以隊友的身分在發表關於我的言論時,這涉及到很多人。我並 不想把人點名出來,那不是我的重點,我注重的一直是確保我的隊友了解我、知道我想和 他們達成的目標、在過程中保持無私。每個人都會有過去,每個人都會因為過去的故事而 被世人評價,但我認為,讓自己面向前方,專注在未來才是最好的。這些故事、這些別人 的評語永遠都會在,或許到我退休後都還會聽到一樣的事,但這就是這個產業的一部份。 這還是一個很年輕的聯盟,只有大約75、76年,還在逐漸累積的歷史,人們總把這想成和 其他聯盟一樣有超過100多年的歷史,但這裡並沒有那麼成熟的規則。而我只想被以一個 專業人士、每天準時上工的樣子被記住。關於場外我試著讓人們變得更好,人們也使我變 得更好,這也是我想去稱道的事,因為以一個人來說,這對我非常重要。我支持他們,他 們也支持著我,而當我告訴他們一些非常私密、非常脆弱的事,關於我是誰以及我所面對 的狀況時,他們提供了我身為一個人非常需要的愛與支持,而且並不是因為我是Kyrie Irving,以及我在大眾前的樣子。我會保護他們如同他們保護我,我對此非常感激。這也 是我對於球團、對我的隊友的唯一要求,如同我保護他們一樣地保護我。因為我不遺餘力 的站出來說好話,在正確的地方為他們站出來。我知道人的情感會激發出最真實的你,但 你怎麼回應則會決定你如何被人們記住。 ============================================================================ KI最後一題的回覆有半張A4紙.... 恭喜小牛再次挑戰總決賽 -- 長到我要貼在word上放在別的螢幕才有辦法打 感謝
[新聞] 誰是明燈?巴克利看好塞爾蒂克奪冠 歐尼爾 誰是明燈?巴克利看好塞爾蒂克奪冠 歐尼爾力挺獨行俠 記者蔡佳霖/綜合外電報導 獨行俠雖然沒有4戰買單,但也是以一場大勝把灰狼送回家,接下萊可以獲得一星期的休 息時間,備戰與大魔王塞爾蒂克的最終決戰。 對達拉斯來說,這一路走來可說是非常艱難,甚至季初根本沒多少人看好他們可以爭冠; 然而挾著季中交易的豐碩成果,加上唐西奇(Luka Doncic)和厄文(Kyrie Irving)逐 漸找出合作模式,才在下半季一飛沖天,搶下西區第5名席次。 季後賽逆襲之路,獨行俠先後打下51勝快艇、57勝雷霆和56勝灰狼,含金量十足。但即便 是這樣,75大傳奇球星兼知名球評巴克利仍不看好獨行俠能夠扳倒連盟龍頭。 「目前我是看不出有什麼理由會讓今年的塞爾蒂克錯失總冠軍。我認為比賽會很激烈,但 塞爾蒂克奪冠機會高。」巴克利說。 與獨行俠一路打掉比自己勝場多的模式恰好相反,塞爾蒂克分別以4比1、4比1和4比0快速 登上東區頂峰,而且每一輪對手都都損失了當家球星,爭冠之路看起來是順暢無比。 至於巴克利的「老對手」歐尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal)則是持相反意見,他直言唐西奇會 讓綠衫軍面臨大麻煩。 「塞爾蒂克沒有那麼多人手可以防堵唐西奇。所以我看好獨行俠,我喜歡他們現在的表現 。」歐尼爾說。 若從交手成績來看,塞爾蒂克已經連續兩季4勝0敗橫掃獨行俠,本季4場一共贏了89分; 另一方面,曾經效力波士頓的厄文,離開後面對前東家是苦吞6連敗。 但必須需要注意的是,季後賽一路走來的獨行俠和例行賽已經是截然不同的球隊,這可能 也是塞爾蒂克必須謹慎面對的情況。 來源: https://tw-nba.udn.com/nba/story/7002/8001756 -- --
[新聞] NBA/25歲唐西奇首度拚冠 基德:媒體會 NBA/25歲唐西奇首度拚冠 基德:媒體會把他列入GOAT討論 2024-05-31 12:44 聯合報 記者劉肇育/即時報導 NBA西區總冠軍賽第5戰,今天獨行俠隊在唐西奇(Luka Doncic)、厄文(Kyrie Irving)聯手開砲拿下72分領軍下,以21分差距淘汰灰狼隊,相隔12年重返總冠軍賽,而唐西奇也毫無爭議的拿下西區冠軍賽MVP,對於將領軍與塞爾蒂克隊爭冠,唐西奇也強調,防守將是他們能否與塞爾蒂克一拚的關鍵。 前一次打進總冠軍賽已經是2011年的獨行俠,今年在唐西奇與厄文攜手下再度打進冠軍賽,其中年僅25歲的唐西奇更獲選西區冠軍賽MVP,不過在今天獲獎後,唐西奇也將功勞歸給團隊,「這座獎座應該屬於全隊,而不僅僅是我而已,這很令人難以置信,我們進入總冠軍賽了。」 談到接下來將帶領獨行俠在冠軍賽碰上塞爾蒂克,同時也是厄文的前東家,唐西奇也強調防守在於總冠軍賽的重要性,「我認為防守會是關鍵,他們是NBA最好的球隊,他們戰績排名全聯盟第一,且還有非常厲害的進攻武器,所以我認為防守將會決定這個系列賽的勝負。」 唐西奇在生涯前6個賽季已經囊括5次全明星、5次年度第一隊以及年度新人王,現在又加上西區冠軍賽MVP榮耀,讓獨行俠總教練基德(Jason Kidd)直言,唐西奇將加入史上最佳球員的討論,「我相信他已經是史上最佳球員之一,但這將取決於媒體的報導,他們將會把他與那些偉大的球員一起納入GOAT的討論。」 原文網址:https://udn.com/news/story/7002/8000831 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-S9260. --
[新聞] 灰狼淘汰!Anthony Edwards暴露技術弱點 https://www.nownews.com/news/6439361 灰狼淘汰!Anthony Edwards暴露技術弱點 還有學費要繳 記者黃建霖/綜合報導 2024-05-31 11:19:54 | 2024-05-31 11:22:01 1:4,明尼蘇達灰狼在西區決賽G5以103:124在主場難堪地被達拉斯獨行俠打爆淘汰,球 隊主將Anthony Edwards在今年季後賽成為聯盟一顆正在燃起的新星,但西決的殘酷戰局 卻說明了他還有很多方面需要去進步,其中最主要的就是如何提升自己的投籃水準,並學 習Luka Doncic在面對包夾時的處理球能力,讓未來在碰上擁有頂尖護框者的球隊時,依 然能夠主宰比賽。 獨行俠有護框能力出色 Edwards遭到限制 在5月底時,灰狼一度被認為是總冠軍大熱門,最終卻是在西區決賽被完全壓制,遭到淘 汰。這一輪系列賽灰狼遭遇到攻防兩端的問題,在防守方面,顯然獨行俠和金塊是完全不 同的球隊模型,4屆DPOY得主Rudy Gobert是出色的內線護框球員,但他不是Bam Adebayo 和Anthony Davis這種全能長人,可以直接換防到外線,所以當他在擋拆情況中面對 Doncic和Irving這種頂尖後衛時,他反而會成為被打點針對的弱點。灰狼整個系列賽幾乎 都選擇不輕易換防,但在面對4打3的情境中,獨行俠轉移球做得非常出色,讓他們得到大 量外線空檔以及籃下空接機會。 灰狼擁有出色的外線防守者,但是在如今的季後賽中,越來越強調對位球員在身材和運動 能力上的適配性,Jaden McDaniels對Doncic來說太瘦了,相比上一輪對上Luguentz Dort ,他可以用身材寬度和力量取得出手空間,而Anthony Edwards肩負球隊進攻重任,讓他 全場領防Kyrie Irving實在消耗太大了。 而對明尼蘇達來說,更艱鉅的挑戰在進攻端,獨行俠在交易截止日後得到了Daniel Gafford,這讓球隊在場上能始終擁有兩名擁有208公分以上、封蓋能力出色的長人在禁區 ,這讓依賴Edwards切入突破破壞、製造進攻機會的灰狼打得很不舒服。 一項數據就很好的說明了這一點:在上一輪面對Nikola Jokic和Aaron Gordon鎮守、缺乏 嚇阻力的禁區,Edwards場均切入13.4次,命中率高達58.7%;而這一輪則是場均切入20.5 次,命中率僅有29%。 由於獨行俠內線能給予協防壓力,Derrick Jones Jr.就可以積極的前壓,影響Edwards的 跳投,前者是一名運動能力完全不輸他的防守者,這一輪Edwards被限制到場均只有23.8 分,雖有8.3次助攻,但個人出手效率卻不理想只有40.2%,三分球命中率34.6%。 Edwards和Towns被Doncic和Irving比下去 球星成色決定西決勝負 灰狼二當家Karl-Anthony Towns是一名不穩定得得分手,主要依賴自己的跳投,在這一輪 他面對身型較小的P.J. Washington,他攻擊內線的表現並不理想,場均只有17.5分, 35.8%的投籃命中率。今晚儘管Towns和Edwards全場38投19中、拿下56分,已經打出不錯 的表現,但對比Doncic和Irving全場49投28中,共拿下72分,差距還是不小,這一輪勝負 分野真的就是球星成色。 G5上半場,灰狼兩節發生9次失誤,被獨行俠投進9記三分球,讓他們在第三節初一度落後 超過30分,比賽實際上已經結束。 突然之間,灰狼在外界的輿論中,從擊敗衛冕軍、前途光明、透過一筆出色交易扭轉局面 的爭冠球隊,變成陣容仍然有許多問題,且看起來並不好解決的一隻掙扎的季後賽球隊。 真實情況可能介於兩者之間,Edwards已經證明自己是球星胚子,灰狼擁有一名有潛力成 為聯盟門面的頂級攻防水準的球星。但是球隊薪資狀況和未來可操作空間並不是太多, Towns可能就是這支球隊第二好的球員,Gobert則是這支球隊的先發中鋒,他們都有自身 的弱點,而球隊必須證明能夠克服它。 --

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