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🏀 美國職籃 NBA   »  usnavyseal 的全部發文

[外絮] Trae談為何 Luka和 Kyrie在獨行俠能成功 https://reurl.cc/ezOgDL Yardbarker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHgc1kcM7n8 Bleacher report 逐字稿 主持人: I know Luka had a really, I would say, viral press conference. He's like, nah man, this is on me. Like I'm not doing a good job.I feel like I'm letting him down. These are two very ball dominant guards. What is it about their game specifically that makes it work, I would say? 在1次受矚目的記者會,Luka說:「不,這是我的錯。我做得不好,我覺得我讓他失望了」 這兩位都是黏球的後衛,他們的球風如何讓他們能夠成功合作呢? Trae: I mean I think Kyle, I think that's the, people have a big misconception of Kyrie Irving. Like a huge misconception of him. Like he's just a special person. Special like player, obviously. But like his personality, like if you're around him you could tell. I already know why it works because he's just, he allows Luka to be Luka. He doesn't have, I mean he's older now. I mean he just wants to win. You know what I'm saying? 我認為大家對 Kyrie有一個很大的誤解。真的是很大的誤解。他是一個很特別的人, 同時也是一個特別的球員。但談到他的個性,如果你跟他相處過,你就能感受到。 我早就知道他們能成功,因為他讓Luka做自己。他現在年紀大了,只想贏。你懂我嗎 Like he doesn't want all the extra stuff that people probably think he wants and the type of person he is or whatever. I just think he's letting Luka be himself and then also taking over when he needs to. Like he doesn't step in Luka's lane. He lets him be himself and then he takes over when he needs to. And I think it's perfect. I mean they built a crazy team. I mean around Luka and Kyrie, especially after the deadline, adding PJ and Gafford. That's an unreal team. 他並不想要大家去關注他想做的外務和他的性格。我認為他就是讓Luka做自己,同時在需 要的時候接管比賽。他不會干涉 Luka的表現,讓他自由發揮,然後在需要的時候主導比賽 我認為這很完美。我的意思是,他們建立了一支瘋狂的隊伍。 圍繞Luka和Kyrie,尤其是在交易日後,他們還簽了PJ和Gafford,那是一支不真實的球隊 主持人: Lively has been amazing for them this year. Lively 今年在獨行俠的表現很出色 Trae: Yeah, I mean drafting him was really good but just their whole team is stacked. 是的,選他進隊真的很棒,但他們的整個球隊已很完整。 主持人: Yeah, they've got a really good group. 是啊,他們有一支很棒的隊伍 Trae: They got a chance to beat the Clippers and go far. 他們有機會擊敗快艇並走得更遠。 網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/NxfQVIf.png Key words "he allows Luka to be Luka" Talk about how you and Dejounte dont work next 接下來談談你和 Dejounte為何搭不起來。 Everytime I come across a Trae Young video he's talking about Luka! 每次我看到Trae Young的影片,他都在談論Luka! When will this narrative about Kyrie being ball dominant go away 關於 Kyrie黏球的說法,什麼時候才會消失 I always find it funny when people think Kyrie is ball dominant 當認為Kyrie是球霸時,我總覺得很有趣 備註 https://i.imgur.com/tL90xpV.jpg https://i.imgur.com/0RyzOe7.jpg --
[外絮] Malone: Murray在關鍵時刻 展現戰士本色 https://twitter.com/NBATV/status/1785172433546133578 https://i.imgur.com/FZQ7yVk.png 逐字稿 記者: What was sort of your confidence that that last shot was going in? 你對最後的絕殺有多少信心? Malone 教練 Oh, the utmost confidence. That's why I didn't call a timeout. Let the best two-man game in the business play their game and get to their spots. And for Jamal to add to his playoff lure by having two game winners in a series is just incredible. And the conversation before the game, without getting into too much detail, was an emotional one about him playing tonight. 我非常有信心,這也是我沒有喊暫停的原因。讓最佳的兩人組在場上自由發揮, 找到他們的位置。Jamal在這個系列賽中兩次成為絕殺的英雄,這真是令人難以置信。 比賽前的對話非常感人,我不會講太多細節,但討論他今晚是否出賽真的很觸動人心。 And as he just told me, he goes, I'm glad I played because I don't know if we win if I don't play tonight. I said, well, that's the understatement of the year. The kid's a warrior, man. I can't say enough good things about Jamal Murray. The bigger the moment, the kid just continues to shine. 正如他剛才告訴我的,他說,他很高興他上場了,因為如果他今晚不打, 我們可能不會贏。我說,那真是今年最保守的講法了。 這傢伙是名戰士,無法用言語表達我對他的讚美,在越重要的時刻,他就越能發光發熱。 備註 https://i.imgur.com/whfw6Ao.gif --
[外絮] 記者們評論太陽隊內的茶壺風暴 針對太陽更衣室的爆料 媒體有不同看法 https://twitter.com/SamQuinnCBS/status/1784829891499675798 https://i.imgur.com/BhKr0eZ.png 記者Matt Moore 這篇文章並沒有讓我覺得Vogel是問題,而是球員的領導力,他們反應執教的方式有問題 記者Sam Quinn 這是少見的爆料,最後讓爆料者本身比被爆料的人還糟。 記者Jack Padilla留言 https://i.imgur.com/oqULr4R.png 看完整個賽季讓我覺得Vogel也是問題。 https://twitter.com/SamQuinnCBS/status/1784812226496344129 https://i.imgur.com/FZ6KnYr.png Sam發文 Frank不是那種會大聲斥責的,他很樂觀、很正面,而且依靠球員互相督促 這方法一旦奏效,效果就非常好。像2020年的湖人隊,他們很快就接受了這種方式。 LeBron和Rondo確立了一個大家都會跟隨的步調 太陽沒有類似的老將 https://twitter.com/AnthonyIrwinLA/status/1784766815576510534 https://i.imgur.com/k3URLUZ.png 湖人的記者 Anthony F. Irwin Vogel雖然不是完美的教練,但這支太陽隊的問題更嚴重。 他們在組隊時過於重視幾位球星,忘了一支球隊需要12個人。 https://twitter.com/Gambo987/status/1784990964794466788 https://i.imgur.com/3FS65U6.png Arizona Sports 電台的主持人發文 https://i.imgur.com/TPZOZtI.png Vogel可能真的只是個替死鬼,但如果有人認為換個教練不換球員就能成功,那我可以賣你 布魯克林的一座橋。當KD還在籃網時,他們解雇了Steve Nash,有什麼改變嗎? 沒有,Vaughn做得更糟。 他們解雇了Monty,球隊有進步嗎?沒有!Booker、Beal和KD都是厲害的球員, 但他們組在一起就是不行,儘管他們有努力。少了一個控衛證明這個是個災難性的選擇。 球隊的組建很糟糕。 網友問: 所以你認為應該留下 Vogel 和一些關鍵球員嗎? 他回: 不,我覺得解雇教練是最簡單的方法,雖然這很花錢。 我只是想說,除非你換掉一些球員,否則情況還是會一樣。 備註 Beal還漏了跟Vogel擊掌 https://i.imgur.com/9JGuVJl.gif -- 04/30 12:43