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消息來源:https://x.com/NBATV/status/1787207918863188216 內容: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM1tZCHaEAAnOqq?format=jpg&name=large Cleveland advances to the East Semis The @Cavs take down the Magic to advance to the Second Round of the NBAPlayoffs 騎士隊以4:3擊敗魔術 晉級東區第二輪 即將面對賽爾提克 _ https://x.com/statmuse/status/1787207842291908660 今日Donovan Mitchell 39 PTS 9 REB 5 AST 15-17 FT The most FTM in a Game 7 since Harden in 2015. 是自2015年Harden後,於G7罰球最多的球員 短評或心得: 恭喜騎士!魔術可惜了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1714938789.A.9FA.html
TheBatman : Donovan Mitchell...真的好強... 05/06 03:53
※ 編輯: Weasley40 ( 臺灣), 05/06/2024 03:55:55
NTU5566NTHU : Franz Wagner...真的好爛… 05/06 03:53
RisingTackle: 真的好強哥終於把魔術吹死了 05/06 03:53
qazaqqazaqqq: Franz Wagner...真的好爛… 05/06 03:53
Miamiwadeong: Franz Wagner...真的好爛... 05/06 03:54
dora1024 : Franz Wagner...真的好爛... 05/06 03:54
lsslz : Franz Wagner...真的好鐵.. 05/06 03:54
a23460701 : 騎士R2最多一場 05/06 03:54
stevejack : Franz Wagner...真的好爛…6.7% 05/06 03:54
trec : Franz Wagner...今天真的好爛… 05/06 03:54
alan810310 : Franz Wagner...真的好爛... 05/06 03:54
Mikufans : 這場真的是米丘一人打趴魔術 05/06 03:54
popomaxman : Franz Wagner...真的好爛… 05/06 03:55
Jim2306 : Franz Wagner...真的好爛… 05/06 03:55
shirleyEchi : 綠賽這次能橫掃嗎 05/06 03:55
XXXXERIC : 雞湯大師米丘 05/06 03:55
dora1024 : 感覺騎士應該能靠米丘偷到幾場吧 05/06 03:55
jonath8860 : 米丘一人一城! 05/06 03:56
len94101 : Franz Wagner...真的好爛.. 05/06 03:56
JameerNe1son: 恭喜騎士 05/06 03:58
NassirLittle: 騎士偷到一場算贏 05/06 03:59
cool8418 : 多賣兩場票 大賺 05/06 04:03
STRO : 至少要贏一場吧,熱火都有一場了 05/06 04:06
w061820 : 騎士贏兩場算贏... 05/06 04:09
XXXaBg : 就看米丘無雙能開到哪了 好懷念菜鳥念爆打雷霆三巨 05/06 04:12
XXXaBg : 年 05/06 04:12
kuchibu : 可能有一場樂維爾會大爆發賺一勝 05/06 04:14
a98562343 : 這什麼命中率== 05/06 04:16
a98562343 : 1-15 wagner… 05/06 04:17
cloki : 克里夫蘭不用等? 05/06 04:45
yyyzzz : 騎士有沒有缺全年小前鋒? 05/06 05:46
EXUAN : 米丘要重現18帶領騎士殺盡總冠軍嗎 05/06 06:32
chimori : 反正又過不了塞爾提克 05/06 06:41
jackyjow : Franz Wagner...真的好鐵.. 05/06 07:07
j3307002 : LBJ去騎士搞不好就能過塞爾提克XD 05/06 07:11
heavensun : 騎士缺1個 季後賽經驗豐富的老控衛 05/06 07:31
MJ02 : Franz Wagner...真的好爛… 05/06 08:14
louisxxiii : 真沒想到米邱能扛騎士 推啦 比預期還Carry 05/06 08:38
oopsskimo : 騎士>湖人 05/06 09:08
EXUAN : 騎永遠贏勇了 05/06 09:17
chuck8889 : 魔術太爛 強一點的隊伍騎士早下去了 05/06 10:35
TB89 : 賽沒kp騎士低標兩勝吧 比熱火差就搞笑了 05/06 11:01

🏀 美國職籃 NBA 版:熱門文章

[情報] KI:77是個好少年仔,像一隻大泰迪熊 https://x.com/noahweber00/status/1792032986499543044 Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving on what they mean to each other: 小犢雙槍被問到搭檔對彼此的意義: Doncic: “Nothing but supportive of everything I did…Just helped me mature a lot, realize to see the game in a different way, and obviously on the court it ’s amazing to play with a guy like him…The leader he’s been for us, not just for me but for us, he’s been amazing…” Doncic: 我做的一切他都給我最大的支持,幫助我成熟了許多, 讓我意識到還可以用不同的方式看待比賽,能在場上和這樣的球員打球顯然是很棒的。 他對我們產生的領導作用,不僅對我,而是對全隊,他都表現得非常出眾。 Irving: “I just think this guy next to me has pushed me to continue to work on my game and continue to develop as a young leader and I think the big word we can both agree on is maturity. Coming into Dallas, I was dealing with a lot …They embraced me with open arms…I knew eventually that I would get (Luka) to open up, this guy’s a big teddy bear at times off the court, big competitor. A teddy bear who likes to compete. He’s still ducking me in dominoes…I just have to sit back and marvel at his talent…I enjoy watching him be a father, I enjoy watching him develop as a person first, and then the basketball stuff will take care of it…Good human being, good young man.” Irving: 我只是覺得這個在在我旁邊的傢伙,驅動我繼續努力增進我的比賽內容, 同時繼續茁壯成為一位年輕領袖,我認為我們都同意的一個重要關鍵字就是成熟。 來到達拉斯,我當時面臨很多狀況, 而他們張開雙臂接納了我,我知道最終我會讓 Luka 打開心房。 這傢伙在場外有時候就像一隻大一號的泰迪熊, 一隻喜歡競爭拚戰的大泰迪熊,不過他仍然不敢跟我比玩多米諾骨牌。 我往往只是這樣坐下來,欣賞他所擁有的天賦, 我喜歡看著他成為一個父親,喜歡看他個人不斷的成長, 籃球場上的事情,就會自然而然的越來越順……他是一個好傢伙,一個好少年仔。 另外KI說在休息室時他努力不要那麼情緒化,因為激動到幾乎落淚。 從2017年之後首次重返分區決賽,這是一條漫長的路。 在球員生涯初期階段他曾和騎士隊曾經連三年挺進分區決賽, KI先前說他年輕時,以為這是理所當的事情,但其實並非如此。所以現在特別感恩。 --
[BOX ] Thunder 116:117 Mavericks (DAL 4-2 OKC) ████ █ █ █ █ █◣ █ ███◣ ███▉ ███◣ █ █▃▃█ █ █ █◥◣█ █ █ █▂▂ █ █ █ █▆▆█ █ █ █ ◥█ █ █ █▆▆ ███◤ █ █ █ ◥██◤ █ █ ███◤ █▇▇▇ █ ◥◣ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▁▁ ☆ NBA West Conf. Semifinals 2024/05/19 ★ Starting Lineup ══════════ ══════════ # 5 L. Dort █ █ ◢██▊ #55 D. Jones Jr. # 8 J. Williams █ █ █▄▄▄ #25 P. Washington # 7 C. Holmgren ◥◣◢◤ █ #21 D. Gafford #11 I. Joe ◥◤ ◥██◤ #11 K. Irving # 2 Gilgeous-Alexander #77 L. Doncic █◣◢█ ◢◣ █ █ ███▉ ███◣ ████ ◢██▊ █ █ ◢██▊ █◥◤█ ◢▉█◣ █ █ █▂▂ █ █ █ █ █▃◢◤ █▄▄▄ █ █ ████ ◥◣◢◤ █▆▆ ███◤ █ █ █▆◥◣ █ █ █ █▇▇█ ◥◤ █▇▇▇ █ ◥◣ ████ ◥██▊ █ █ ◥██◤ ▁▁▂▂▂▃▃▃▃▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ╭──────────────┬──────────────────────╮ │ARENA STATS │Thunder │ ├──────────────┤ ◢▉ ◢▉ ███▉ │ │Arena: American Airlines Center│ ▉ ▉ ▉ │ │ Dallas │ ▉ ▉ ███▉ │ │Attendance: 20555 │ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ │ │Duration: 2:27 │ ███ ███ ███▉ │ ├──────────────┼──────────────────────┤ │SCORING │ │ ├──────────────┤ │ │Lead Changes: 7 │ │ │Times Tied: 5 │ │ ├──────────────┤ │ ││ Mavericks │ └──────────────┴──────────────────────┘ ┌─────┬────────╥──────────────────────┐ │ │T. Brothers ║ 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final│ │OFFICIALS │B. Barnaky ║Thunder 30 34 26 26 116 │ │ │J. Tiven ║│ └═════╧════════╩══════════════════════┘ Oklahoma City Thunder (2-4) PLAYERS P MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A +/- OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS EFF L. Dort F 32:11 3-10 2-7 3-3 -6 0 3 3 1 5 3 2 0 1 11 9 J. Williams F 37:00 8-16 3-5 3-3 -7 2 7 9 8 1 2 0 1 1 22 34 C. Holmgren C 34:30 9-15 2-2 +8 0 3 3 1 5 2 3 0 0 21 18 I. Joe G 29:05 4-7 3-4 0-0 -6 1 2 3 3 0 1 0 0 1 11 15 Gilgeous-Alexand 42:42 14-25 4-5 4-7 0 0 3 3 8 3 0 0 2 0 36 35 J. Giddey 10:29 1-3 0-0 +2 3 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 4 J. Williams 18:24 2-5 1-4 1-2 -14 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 6 8 A. Wiggins 07:43 0-0 +11 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 C. Wallace 24:24 0-0 +4 0 0 0 1 4 1 2 1 1 5 0 K. Williams 03:30 1-1 0-0 0-0 +3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 Total MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS 240 44-92 13-17 7 24 31 25 20 10 8 5 4 116 47.8% 76.5% Total Rebs: 45 Dallas Mavericks (4-2) PLAYERS P MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A +/- OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS EFF D. Jones Jr. F 40:21 8-13 4-6 2-2 +18 3 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 2 22 23 P. Washington F 29:30 2-6 2-5 3-5 +8 1 4 5 2 5 0 0 0 0 9 10 D. Gafford C 18:30 4-7 0-0 2-4 -25 4 3 7 1 0 0 1 1 0 10 13 K. Irving G 42:22 9-23 4-10 0-0 +2 0 2 2 3 3 0 4 0 1 22 9 L. Doncic G 44:43 9-15 4-6 7-7 +7 0 10 10 10 4 2 0 2 29 38 J. Green 18:34 2-4 1-3 1-2 -9 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 7 D. Lively II 29:30 5-6 0-0 2-3 +26 4 11 15 3 4 1 2 1 0 12 28 J. Hardy 10:37 2-6 1-3 -15 1 0 1 3 2 0 1 0 0 5 3 T. Hardaway Jr. 05:51 1-2 0-0 -7 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 Total MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS 240 42-82 17-24 14 33 47 25 23 5 17 4 5 117 51.2% 70.8% Total Rebs: 54 ┌─────────┬────┬────╮ │ Team Statistic │ OKC │ │ ├─────────┼────┼────┤ │ Fast Break Pts │ 15 │ 10 │ │ Biggest Lead │ 17 │ 5 │ │ Pts in the Paint │ 46 │ 40 │ │ Bench Points │ 15 │ 25 │ │ 2nd Chance Points│ 8 │ 27 │ │ Points from TOs │ 27 │ 19 │ └─────────┴────┴────┘ ┌─────────┬─────────────┬─────────────╮ │ Team Info │ Thunder ││ ├─────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤ │ Technical Fouls │ │L. Doncic(10:12, 2nd) │ │({time}, {period})│ │ │ ├─────────┼─────────────┼─────────────┤ │ Inactive │ │M. Kleber (Injury) │ │ │ │O. Prosper (Injury) │ └─────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┘ https://www.nba.com/game/0042300226 --
[外絮] Murray的手肘目前感覺良好,並渴望G7到來 espn的新聞:https://t.ly/Ylggz Nuggets' Jamal Murray (elbow) 'feeling great' ahead of Game 7 Jamal Murray的手肘狀況在第七戰前感覺非常好 Nuggets star guard Jamal Murray is "feeling great" and went through a full practice on Saturday, according to head coach Michael Malone. Murray injured his right elbow when he ran into a screen set by Rudy Gobert in the opening moments of Minnesota's 115-70 Game 6 rout of the Nuggets. Murray said after the game on Thursday night that he hoped for his team's sake he could get his elbow feeling right by Sunday's Game 7. But at the end of Saturday's practice, Murray stayed late to get shots up and could be seen drilling several 3-pointers in a row while an assistant coach challenged the shots. 根據總教練Michael Malone的說法,金塊隊明星後衛Jamal Murray「感覺很好」 ,並在週六進行了完整的訓練。 Murray在明尼蘇達以115-70大勝金塊的第六場比賽開局時,撞上Rudy Gobert的掩護,導致 右肘受傷。Murray在週四晚上的比賽後表示,他希望能在週日的第七場比賽前讓自己的肘 部恢復正常。 但在週六的訓練結束後,Murray留下來練習投籃,可以看到他連續投進了好幾個三分球, 旁邊還有一名助理教練在挑戰他的投籃。 "He feels great," Malone said after practice. Asked if Murray is hungry to play well in Game 7 after shooting just 4-for-18 and scoring 10 points in Game 6, Malone said his point guard "looked very hungry today." "Look like he hadn't eaten in two days," Malone said. "So hopefully that carries over tomorrow. I hope he doesn't eat until tomorrow until 6:00 p.m." Murray is averaging 19.7 points on 50% shooting, including 42% on 3-pointers, in Denver's three wins this series. In the three losses to Minnesota, Murray is averaging 11.7 points and 26% shooting. 「他感覺很好,」 Malone在訓練後說。 當被問到在第六場比賽中投籃僅18中4、得到10分後,Murray是否渴望在第七場比賽中有 好的表現時,Malone說他的控球後衛「今天看起來非常的飢餓。」 「看起來他像兩天沒吃飯一樣,」Malone說。「所以希望這種狀態能延續到明天。我希望 他直到明天晚上六點之前都不要吃飯。」 Murray在這個系列賽金塊隊的三場勝利中場均得到19.7分,投籃命中率為50%,三分球 命中率為42%;而另外的三場失利中,Murray場均得到11.7分,投籃命中率僅為26%。 Game 7, though, won't be a new experience for Murray, Nikola Jokic and Malone. Those three have been in four Game 7's since the 2019 postseason. They are 3- 1 in those games, winning their past two in the NBA bubble when the Nuggets came back from down 3-1 to beat the Jazz and Clippers in the first two rounds in 2020. "The message is simple, man," Malone said of what he told his team. "Game 7's are great. Enjoy it. Me, Jamal and Nikola, we've been part of four of those games in our six years in the playoffs. That's why you work so hard to get home-court advantage for, in front of the best fans in the NBA."And we know that in Game 7, every possession matters. There can be no"my bad's" tomorrow." 然而,第七場比賽對於Murray、Nikola Jokic和Malone來說並不是新體驗。自2019年季後 賽以來,這三人已經參與了四場第七戰,他們在這些比賽中的戰績為3勝1負,最近兩次 在泡泡賽季中獲勝,當時金塊隊在2020年季後賽第一輪和第二輪分別從1-3落後,逆轉擊敗 爵士和快艇。 「很簡單,」Malone對他的球隊說。「第七場比賽很棒,享受它。我、Jamal和Nikola 在我們六年的季後賽中參加了四場這樣的比賽。這就是為什麼我們努力爭取主場優勢, 因為我們有最棒的球迷。」「我們知道在第七戰中每一回合都很重要。明天沒有甚麼犯錯 的空間。」 Michael Porter Jr., who has scored a total of 18 points in the past three games, says the defending champs have plenty of big-game experience to lean on . He also cited how the Nuggets beat the Wolves at home, 116-107, in the third -to-last regular-season game when both teams were jockeying for home-court advantage in the postseason. "Game 7's are always great games," Porter said. "But we played in a lot of big games, you know what I mean? "... We had a similar game against them to decide what was supposed to be the 1-seed late in the season. So we played this team in big moments, and we're looking forward to the challenge." Michael Porter Jr.在過去三場比賽中總共得到了18分,他表示,衛冕冠軍有很多大賽經 驗可以依靠。他還提到,金塊隊在例行賽倒數第三場比賽中以116-107擊敗了灰狼,當時 兩隊都在爭奪季後賽的主場優勢。 「第七場比賽總是很棒的比賽,」Porter說。「但我們打過很多大比賽,你明白我的意思 嗎?」 「……我們在賽季末與他們有過一場類似的比賽,決定了1號種子的歸屬。所以我們在關 鍵時刻和這支球隊打過比賽,我們期待這個挑戰。」 ----- 一下AG被禁餐廳,一下馬龍又叫Murray不要吃飯,這隊怎麼都不好好用餐(X Murray手肘傷勢不會影響他對金塊來說是最好的消息,G7勢必要重新拿出過去三場勝利時 的好表現,且MPJ也要醒過來,否則金塊縱使有主場優勢,這兩人沒跳出來還是會很辛苦 -- 謝謝提醒喔,已經修正,3Q

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